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N-Tech.Lab Limited launches FindFace Cloud API

Updated:2024-04-17 17:00    Views:86

In Russia, facial recognition software firm N-Tech.Lab Limited has built upon the success of its FindFace service with the launch of its new and more powerful FindFace Cloud API innovation.

Moscow-based N-Tech.Lab Limited declared that FindFace Cloud API can identify people from a database of 250 million photographs with 70% probability by connecting with a company’s existing database.

According to a report by the Russia Beyond The Headlines service from the Rossiyskaya Gazeta Russian government daily newspaper, over 100 companies are currently testing the FindFace Cloud API service including Diamond Fortune Holdings, which is the firm behind the coming $900 million Selena World Resort And Casino set for the Primorsky Krai region.

“In a database of one million photos, a NEC search takes about two seconds but N-Tech.Lab Limited’s search algorithm is several times faster,” said Artem Kukharenko from N-Tech.Lab Limited.

Kukharenko reportedly revealed that Diamond Fortune Holdings intends to utilize the FindFace Cloud API innovation in its Far East casino to help identify suspicious clients or pick out players that have previously visited. He explained that this can be done even in low light or with targets that have attempted to disguise themselves.

“It will be possible to learn their habits and preferences and to identify those guests who tend to spend more,” said Kukharenko, who added that his firm’s service can moreover help the operator to build a better relationship with its frequent clients.

Another of the company’s currently trialling FindFace Cloud API, Russia’s Tinkoff Bank, told Russia Beyond The Headlines that it hopes to utilize the service in order to identify fraudsters and permit account holders to use selfies instead of passwords in order to access their online banking system, open an account or secure a loan.

“When a credit card application is submitted, the system could compare the applicant’s photo against a database of photographs of known fraudsters,” Tinkoff Bank told Russia Beyond The Headlines.


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